Hand Drawn Pet Portraits from Photos

About 1

“How did you Get Started?”

Meet Finn!

The deal was that I'd keep my current job until my husband graduated from seminary.  Then I would look for a job that sparked my passion.  So, he graduated, we moved to Georgia, and he started work.

 We had both wanted a dog since we got married, but our work schedules during seminary made it impractical to get one.  Once we got to Georgia, it didn't take too many shelter visits to pick out the newest member of our family, Finn. This is our Gotcha Day Photo!!

 In October, Hurricane Irma was flying up the East Coast.  We didn't have anywhere near the damage that our coastline cities experienced, but it was enough to knock our power out for a few days.  On Day 2 of no power, we were sitting in the living room, and Finn was mesmerized by the swaying of the trees outside the window.  I thought to myself, "He would make the cutest little charcoal drawing."

 So I grabbed some charcoal pencils and a pad and went to work.  I was right.  He did make the cutest little charcoal drawing.  I showed it to some friends and family, and they agreed.  My dad said, "You could do this, you know.  People love their pets.  You could build a business out of this."

Why were you called “Treebok Pets” for a long time?

Our dog Finn sporting his University of Tennessee Bandana

I changed the name of my business to Pet Portraits by Reebok in 2024 because I thought that was a more clear description of what I do, but I used to be called Treebok Pets!

I thought it would be cute to use the nickname our friends gave us when my husband and I were dating: Travis + Reebok = Treebok. When I decided to focus primarily on Pet Portraits, it just made sense to call the business Treebok Pets!